
Photos and Screenshots

 Photos and Screenshots

Photos and Sreenshots

Photos and Screenshots

Ballista Screentshots

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Welcome to the KageDragons LS website!

Hello! We welcome all new members and encourage them to ask for help if needed! I will try to get missions and quests set up on the weekends. If you need any let me know and I will arrange it! =)

If you have not been able to tell yet ^.^ I'm the LS leader Marissa. My brother, Deathgiver and friend, Rolfie are the coleaders of the LS. We encourage anyone with a pearlsack to invite any new members at any time. If there is someone in the LS that you are having problems with so much as to they need to be removed you can request it with me Deathgiver, or Rolfie. Thanks you guys and have fun!

The greatest LS...

Help us invite new members and keep the LS growing so that we can make KageDragons the biggest LS on the Siren server!


Although I am new at setting up a website i would like to have a page with pictures and screenshots of our members. So if you have any pictures or screenshots that you would like to be posted on the site send them to me via email . My email address is posted on the about page!

I've been updating the site recently alot's changed so check it out! ^.^